I'm exploring Russian folklore at the moment, in particular the phenomenon that is the Baba Yaga. She's a Grandmother Witch of wonderfully eccentric and barbarous proportions. It's not enough that she should live in a skull-guarded hut in the woods, her hut has
chicken legs. Yes, chicken legs. Sure why not? When she's not whizzing about in her mortar and pestle she can let her house do the manoeuvering.
I'm also trying to explore new media and techniques. For this one, I made a number of monoprints and acrylic washes and then cut and collaged them into place. I find it interesting how the media you use shape your approach to a particular illustration. Had I drawn this I'm sure it would have ended up completely different and probably not so graphically strong. It's a bit of a departure for me, but I really want to explore this approach further, in parallel with my first love... plain old pen and ink drawing :)
The Baba Yaga senses an Intruder
The Baba Yaga - detail |
The Intruder - detail |
Caption - detail |
I like Baba Yaga lovely work Sarah.
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